Standing bears in overalls salt and pepper shakers

Common Standing Bears in Overalls

Many of us might have this nicely made vintage set of standing bears in matching blue overalls in our collections, for it is not an uncommon set.  The set is made from a solid ceramic and was imported from Japan in the 1950s.  The set stands above four inches in height and has a 4-3 pour hole pattern.  There is a very slight difference in the position of each bear head.

We wanted to highlight this set because of the two sets below that are created by taking the identical slightly smaller bear on the right and pairing him with a female.  Two versions, black and brown bears, have been found in this style.  Both sets share the identical 4-3 pour hole pattern as the common standing bears in overalls.

Bear in overalls with female salt and pepper shakers
Bear in overalls with female salt and pepper shakers