Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - cats


This post is the first introduction of this series to the shaker public.  Being made in Germany prior to WWII, these small animals with googly-eyes are hard to find.  A correct pair should be of the same color and there should be a slightly larger shaker paired with an identical shaped slightly smaller shaker.

So far six different shapes of animals have been found.  I'm sure there are probably more and they were probably produced in many different colors.

Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - dogs


Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - dogs


Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - cats


Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - monkeys


As seen in the monkey photo on the left, the shakers are often found with the missing glued on googly-eyes.  The sunken eye sockets give the monkeys a creepy appearance.

The sets stand about 2.5-2.75'' in height.  Many still have their Germany mark visible on the bottom.

Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - owls


Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - dog
Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - owl
Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - cat
Germany google-eyed animal salt and pepper shakers - monkey

Variety of similar single animals