Hosted by the Ohio Chapter

The 2018 Convention may be over but the great memories will linger for a long time. It was a week full of smiles, lots of laughs, many hugs and of course loads of shakers. There were shakers for sale, shakers in displays, shakers in auctions, shakers in raffles, shakers in decorations, shaker games and shakers depicted in costumes. “Shaker talk” filled the hotel hallways, guest rooms, meeting rooms and even on the local TV station! There was no doubt, salt and pepper shakers were the stars of the week.
Many members arrived early in the week to take advantage of tours and shaker shopping.
Johnson House/Farm Tour
Many members before and after convention drove to Nancy Sue & Sheryl Johnson’s home to view their collection. Actually it’s collections because first we stopped at “Grandma’s House” and then we drove to the farm.
Grandma’s house has shakers on the main floor and in the basement. The house at the farm has several rooms of shakers. A truly outstanding collection!
Making Shaker Friends
One of the best things about the week leading up to the official dates of convention is reconnecting with old shaker friends and making new ones. Shaker Shopping (aka “Running the Rooms”) is a great way to accomplish this. Shaker games was a fun way to interact. Getting together each evening at the complementary hotel reception was another opportunity to make new friends.
Shaker Shopping
For most members the buying and selling of shakers is the number one reason to go to convention. You will literally see thousands of shakers for sale at various prices. Members sell from their personal hotel rooms. There were shakers on beds, dressers, counters, tables and floors!
Shaker Games
To help kick things off there was a Shaker Scavenger Hunt where members tried to find certain shakers that were hidden in plain sight in different seller’s rooms. Another game, Go With Matching Game, was was to find your shaker mate. Each member and guest was given a photo of half a go-with shaker set. Their assignment was to find their other half. Friday evening had a fast-paced Shaker Jeopardy game led by Josh Weaver. A trophy was awarded to the winning table.
Hotel Reception
The cooked-to-order breakfast in the morning and the complimentary evening reception offered by Embassy Suites added to the convention fun.
Shaker Funfest/Viewing Party of the Weaver Collection
On Wednesday, July 11th, the first ever Shaker Funfest/viewing party of the Weaver’s 55,000+ salt and pepper shaker collection was held. 160 members carpooled to the Weaver home to talk shakers, hang out with new and old shaker friends, view the fabulous Weaver shaker collection and dine on foot-long hot dogs with all the trimmings.
After first donning white booties, members scattered in all directions in the Weaver’s home to see the vast collection of shakers. Everyone was in absolute awe of the remarkable shaker collection. Everywhere you turned were fabulous sets displayed in beautiful cabinets. Members were happily snapping photos of their favorite sets.
What a special, wonderful shaker day!
Junior Members' Party
The Junior members were definitely busy on Thursday. They had displays to put together for the display contest and a pizza party to attend. At the party they made special shopping bags. Gold coins were given to Junior members by club members who were wearing special pouches. These coins were used to purchase shakers in the “Junior Only” shopping room.
First Timers’ Reception
On Thursday members attending their first convention were invited to a reception to meet other first time participants and the national club officers.
Lots of planning goes into every successful convention. There wouldn’t be a convention if not for the many volunteers who donate many hours before, at and even after convention.
Shaker Unveiling
Each year a commemorative shaker set is created to celebrate the annual convention. Only 150 sets were made this year and they quickly sold out. The unveiling was extra special as Junior member Emma Newmyer and several other Junior members joined Harold and Susana Knust in the presentation. SHAKERS ROCK!!!
This year we were fortunate to have two guest speakers.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Joe “Mr. Joe” Gaydos was the winner of this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his many years of service to the Club. Vice President Louise Davis presented the award to “Mr. Joe” on Friday morning.
Both Friday and Saturday had raffle drawings sprinkled in between meetings and events. There was over 100 raffle baskets available to win. A separate raffle for the number one shaker (Convention shaker in gold trim) was raffled off Saturday evening. Beverly Warwick was thrilled to win it.
Friday and Saturday’s auctions had some great sets for sale. Members and chapters can enter shakers and box lots to be sold.
“Shakers Rock” Banquet
By Saturday night it was time to reflect on the 2018 Convention week. After a delicious dinner it was time to dance, announce the contest winners, enjoy a slideshow of convention, draw for the #1 shaker, have a short auction and hold the “passing of the S&Ps” ceremony. We had some rock star celebrities show up too!
Costume Contest
The Costume Contest on Friday always guarantees smiles and laughter and this year was no exception.
Adult One-Person
1st Place – Two Drunks – Mary Gelinas
2nd Place – Winnie The Pooh – Donna Leiby
3rd Place – Momma & Baby Skunk – Tricia Nault
Adult Double-Person
1st Place – Rington’s English Tea Couple – Veronique Verbist & Rene Springael
2nd Place – Bass & Guitar, Rock & Roll Series – Cheryl Lenhart & Phil Mays
3rd Place – Angry Momma & Dad in Doghouse – Kim & Gary Maddox
Theme Contest
Members submit a shaker that they feel represents the Convention theme – “Shakers Rock”. The Junior members have their own contest.
1st Place – Swinging Cows – Norma Montaigne
2nd Place – Grandma’s Rocker – Norene Neary
3rd Place – Anthro Radios – Jean Rowe
Junior Member
1st Place – Anthro Radio – John Marks
2nd Place – Pig with Guitar- Payton Boyle
3rd Place – Musical Poodles – Alexie Weaver
Display Contests
Displays are assembled on Thursday and then viewed and voted on by members on Friday. There are four adult display categories – shoebox, small, medium and large. The Junior members have one category.
Be sure to click on the photos to see a larger view to see the detail in the displays
Can be any number of shakers, but all shakers must fit inside a shoebox.
1st Place – S&P Drive In Movie – Kay Keiser
2nd Place – Cali Bears at Play – Cheryl Lenhart
3rd Place – Give My Eggards to Broadway – Jean Rowe
Small Display
Consists of up to 30 shakers and may not occupy more than half of a standard 6′ table.
1st Place – All the Little Birdies Go Tweet, Tweet, Tweet – Norma Montaigne
2nd Place – Philharmonic OrCATstra – Debbie Lugo
3rd Place – Rock Concert – Carol Detweiler
Medium Display
Contains from 31-75 shakers and may not occupy more than half of a standard 6′ table.
1st Place – Ohio’s Got Talent – Gayla Fischbach
2nd Place – Happy 90th Birthday Mickey – Sandy Sies
3rd Place – Rest Area – Marjorie Keiser
Large Display
Contains more than 75 shakers and may not occupy more than a standard 6′ table.
1st Place – We’ve Got the Music in Us – Marlene Pawlikowski
2nd Place – Cleveland Heads Rock – Kim & Gary Maddox
Rally Cry
Through-out the week you could hear “Salt & Pepper, Salt & Pepper, Shake! Shake! Shake!” so it only seems fitting to end this chronicle of the 2018 Convention with the Club’s famous rally cry.