In 2002, Sylvia Tompkins and Irene Thornburg published one or their three reference books on American made salt and pepper shakers. Pages 126 through 133 were dedicated to shakers produced by Billie Vier, who was a ceramicist in the 1940s and early 1950s. The book documents 37 different complete sets or singles that Vier created. This wheelbarrow set was not one of the 37 sets photographed.
This is a small set - standing no more than 2'' in height. It is clearly impressed on the underside by Billie Vier's typical name in cursive.
Below are a few other examples of ordinary items Vier made to give you an example of her style. These are not the most sought after of her pieces admittingly. Every collector should check out Sylvia & Irene's book to see the wonderful shakers that Billie Vier made depicting various types of people and animals.
Fruit Carts
Fruit Baskets