Ruthie Denney!
The following is from former Vice President “Mr. Joe”:
It was my pleasure to award on behalf of the Novelty Salt & Pepper Shaker Club the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award to Ruthie Denney.
- She has devoted numerous hours of her own time not only at convention but also at many chapter meetings.
- Since joining the club in 1994, she has attended almost all of the conventions and has volunteered to do numerous tasks at each convention.
- She has devoted numerous hours of her time to take photos of all the sets and tray lots for the auction and then display them on a big screen during the auction so bidders can see what they are bidding on.
- She has served as club vice president, costume contest chairperson, club photographer at convention, auction runner, goodie bag helper and speaker at conventions and various chapter meetings she attends.
- She produces and offers for auction a set to be sold for the benefit of the Junior Membership Fund. Many times this set is a one-of-a-kind set and sells very well.
- Ruthie can always be depended on to step up and volunteer whenever and wherever needed.
Thank you Ruthie for all of your contributions.